As we move into an era where everybody is able to participate in electricity generation, the electricity network becomes a multidirectional “any-to-any” grid, interconnecting power distribution across all parts of the network. This is also known as Transactive Energy.
The electricity grid is becoming the enabler in all these changes, and by making it an intelligent grid and adding telecoms to it, the power will shift away from the electricity companies to the customers. The appliances that will be developed will assist this process; some of that on a M2M basis using networked sensors and SCaDa technology. Another term being used for these broader developments is the Internet of Things (IoT).
Smart Grids encompass a broad portfolio of technologies, and different power companies will choose to deploy those elements that promise the best return on investment. What is important is that the world embraces a culture of modernising its electricity networks so it can meet the needs and expectations of future generations.
Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) is Singapore’s 10-year master plan to help us realise the potential of infocomm over the next decade. Singapore has developed the status of a world leader in telecommunications and has continued to move systematically and at a brisk pace in its implementation of the iN2015 strategy. This has been done by spliting the project into two main functional components: an Operating Company (OpCo) responsible for designing, building and operating the active infrastructure layer of the network and a Network Company (NetCo) in charge of the construction, deployment and maintenance of the network’s passive infrastructure.
The 8th annual Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW), running in Singapore from October 26th to 30th is the foremost platform for top policymakers, energy practitioners and commentators to discuss energy issues, strategies and solutions.
SIEW brings together the world’s leading conferences, exhibitions, workshops and networking events from across the energy spectrum of oil & gas, clean and renewable energy, technology and financing – in one week, in one location.
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