ENTSO-E’s Member Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are the backbone of Europe’s power system. Covering around 34 countries, they facilitate on a day-to-day basis the world’s largest electricity market. By ensuring transparent, non-discriminatory grid access to Europe’s industries, generators, renewable energy sources, traders, suppliers, and distributors,ENTSO-E member TSOs are truly key players in Europe’s competitiveness.
Through ENTSO-E, TSOs cooperate for reliable operation, optimal management and sound technical evolution of Europe’s electricity grids. They develop concrete solutions and tools for many of the energy challenges Europe is facing today and prepare for the upcoming ones.
What will the electricity market look like in the years to come? What remains to be done to achieve Europe’s internal energy market? How will the grids evolve in the future? What model to apply for future TSO operation and cooperation? How to enhance TSO’s contribution to Europe’s competitiveness and security of supply?
High level speakers from Member States, European Institutions, European market players and ENTSO-E member TSOs will engage in a discussion on all these burning issues at ENTSO-E’sconference Securing Europe’s Competitive Energy Future, on 19 November 2014 in Brussels.
GSEF is a truly global federation and has therefore no main address in one country. If you wish to meet with one of us, please write to us.