30 Jun 2014

FSR Training Course on Gas and Electricity Market Design

30 Jun 2014- 01 Jul 2014
Florence School of Regulation , Florence , Italy


The European Union is reaching the 2014 deadline to complete its internal energy market. The time is up to start the development of the 2030 EU’s energy regulatory framework. The FSR course on Gas and Electricity Market Design will provide participants the necessary tools to actively take part in the process of shaping the future EU energy market.

The course consists of three main parts:

  • An online platform with plenty of background information and interactive resources developed for the course.
  • A two-day residential module in Florence where participants will interact with peers and a highly renowned international pool of instructors from the US,  Europe and Latin America.
  • An ex-post summary of the residential module

The first day of the residential module will conduct a parallel review of a variety of restructuring processes for the gas and power industries around the world. A robust, common market design scheme for both, the electricity and gas industries, will then be discussed. The second day will build upon the common scheme and lay out strategies needed to deal with the challenges of shaping the market design of the future.

The FSR Training Course on Market Design is aimed at staff of regulatory agencies or energy companies related to the regulation of the gas or electricity industries, preferably with a working experience in the field.

> to the event web page



Florence School of Regulation | Website : http://fsr.eui.eu/

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