The 5th annual IEC 61850 Global 2018 takes place 16-18 October 2018, in Berlin, Germany. Supported by the IEC, ENTSO-E and EDSO this end-user driven, implementation focused forum draws together 150+ IEC 61850 specialists and implementation leaders from across the globe.
The event begins with a one-day workshop on the Fundamentals of IEC 61850 led by Christoph Brunner, Convenor of the IEC working group TC57 WG10, followed by the main conference which provides an overview of standardisation and global deployments, and solutions to the implementation challenges around specification, design, installation, testing, operation and maintenance. Optimisation of key features such as GOOSE and R-GOOSE will be addressed, as well as integration with other standards such as CIM, and building resilience through advanced cyber security. New approaches to driving IEC 61850 to the grid edge and enabling effective integration of DER and EVs will be discussed. Updates from ENTSO-E and EDSO will reveal how TSO and DSO interest groups are supporting the development of the standard to support large-scale cost-effective deployment worldwide.
The case-study agenda is complemented by several technology innovation panels, a series of end-user round table discussions, live demo labs of the latest technologies, an exhibition of the latest products, and a networking evening reception.
GSEF is a truly global federation and has therefore no main address in one country. If you wish to meet with one of us, please write to us.