ICEF aims to provide a global platform to promote discussions and cooperation among researchers, business persons, and policymakers from around the world on ways to address climate change through inno...
A high-level conference on a new energy market design will take place from 9.30am – 16.45 on Thursday 8 October in Florence. Topics to be covered during the conference will include: h...
This event will be live streamed . Workshop on the “Evolution of EU electricity TSOs”,to be held in Brussels on 13th October 2015. The workshop will hav...
€470 Smart Grids Flanders is organizing an in-depth course into smart grids to get new industry introduced to its features and opportunities.
CEDEC, the European Federation representing more than 1500 local and regional energy companies, is very pleased to invite you to its annual strategic Congress on 15 October 2015, at the Thon Hotel i...