Think Smartgrids

Think Smartgrids is a professional association created in 2015, with the aim of developing the smart grids sector in France and developing international collaborations. It brings together more than a hundred members from across the smart grids value chain: large groups, intermediate sized companies, SMEs and start-ups, and competitiveness clusters. Public actors, network operators, industrialists, consultants and actors from the academic world are all represented within the association, reflecting the diversity of the French smart grid ecosystem. 

Think Smartgrids ensures the development of the French Sector in a global market estimated to be worth €75 billion. Through its actions and the support it provides, the association hopes to be an incubator for new collaborations between its members, as well as between its members and international stakeholders.


The Think Smartgrids Association is responsible for:

  • Federating and developing the smart grids Sector in France;
  • Promoting the sector in Europe and across the world;
  • Representing its members and their accomplishments among the industry’s key stakeholders.

To develop the French smart grids sector and respond to its needs, Think Smartgrids relies on a Scientific Council, three Commissions -Commission training, Commission Territories and Innovation, and International Commission- and several working groups (institutional relations, digitalization and visibility).

For More Information



Mr. Regis LE DREZEN, Managing Director @