Lessons Learned from the Smart Grids Projects in France Webinar
The Global Smart Grid Federation was pleased to present a webinar hosted by Smart Grids France on Tuesday June 10 at 7:00 AM EDT. France has made huge investments to explore all aspects of smart grids, from grid infrastructure evolution to consumer acceptance. Up to 100 projects have been deployed, and according to latest JRC survey, France has the largest budget (M€500) devoted to Smart Grids projects. Smart Grids France has been analyzing 20 of these 100 projects to determine the key outcomes and lessons learned from these large-scale experiments. Smart Grid France has developed a methodology to perform this analysis and will be sharing it during the Webinar. Selected projects will be reviewed in greater detail to illustrate the approach. Four speakers from major utilities, vendors and academics will cover these topics.
The Speakers were:
- Laurent Schmitt, Vice-president, Smart Grid Solutions, Laurent Schmitt has been Vice-President Smart Grid Solutions since June 2010. He is member of several strategic industry committees working on Smart Grids such as CIGRE, IEC, EPRI and ENTSOe and contributes to several expert advisory taskforces to the European Commission, the International Energy Agency (IEA), and several university consortium including the University College Dublin, in the areas of Generation, Smart Grid and Storage applications. He recently co-authored a white paper on Smart Grids standards convergence published through the CIMUsergroup as well as on Smart Cities to the World Energy Conference.
- Philippe Daguzan, Philippe holds an electric engineer diploma from Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité and a PhD thesis in solid state physics. He began his career at EDF R&D Division studying electronic devices for command and control equipment. Then he worked as responsible of a testing laboratory to qualify automatisms for transmission and distribution operation. From 2004 to 2006, he was deputy director of a research department in the field of electrical networks. In 2007, he joined ERDF as a manager for distribution operations in the eastern area of Paris. In March 2011, he became deputy director of ERDF smart grid project.
- Dr. Nouredine Hadjsaid, Presently Dr. Hadjsaid is a responsible of an ERDF industrial chair of excellence on “Smartgrids” and Deputy Director of G2ELAB. He is also the President of the Scientific Council of SmartGrid France (SGF), Chairman of GP10 ANCRE, chair of IEEE ETCC committee, a Program co-animator related to « power grid management » at the competitiveness cluster « TENERRDIS” and a French representative SIRFN-ISGAN annex on Smartgrids for the International Energy Agency.
- Michel Bena, Michael is SmartGrid Director for RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Electricité), the french TSO, since 2012. He is in charge of the involvement of RTE in pilot projects, both at the national and European level and of the communication of the company on SmartGrids. He’s always worked in the Power System R&D field, on different topics such as voltage control, dynamic security, grid planning, optimisation models. He was born in 1967, and graduated from SUPELEC, Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité.