Energy Efficiency in Buildings – India

India, the world’s most populous democracy, is making strides toward boosting its energy efficiency. Its efforts include the bulk purchase and distribution of over 200 million LED bulbs (substantially bringing down the price), efficiency standards on several types of appliances, and significant efforts on industrial and agricultural efficiency.

An India-based group, the Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy (AEEE), is now gearing up to help the country further its progress. ACEEE is working with the group as it prepares for its first conference, a milestone worth noting for the global energy efficiency community.

The event will be patterned after ACEEE’s biennial Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, which began in 1980. The ACEEE conference brings together leading energy efficiency practitioners in an informal setting to hear the latest in research findings and program and policy ideas. Participants have ample opportunity to interact with peers. This has been our most popular conference, drawing more than 1000 attendees and spawning innovative programs and policies in such areas as market transformation, building commissioning, utility and government programs, equipment efficiency standards, and emerging technologies. The ACEEE Summer Study has spurred similar events in Europe and Australia. Click here fore more info.

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