Asian Utility Week-: Connecting Utilities Globally

3rd -5th September, 2019 at MITEC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asian Utility Week focuses on digital transformation and customer centricity.  It continues to be the leading digital utility exhibition and conference in the region. AUW promises to be bigger and better than ever before bringing utility professionals from the electricity, gas and water sectors. It was built to highlight innovation in the delivery digital utility services for the enterprise and customers.

Anticipating more than 1000 delegates from the utility sector it brings together CIOs, CDOs, CTOs and Directors/Heads/VP's of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Strategy to provide insights, techniques and tools required to implement a seamless digital transformation strategy that will drive profitability and customer centricity across the utility sector.

GSGF’s support will help in the branding activities of AUW and will also ensure the popularity and awareness of the event by listing the events on the GSGF website and on homepage, writing articles about the event, announcement in the news section of GSGF website. This will strengthen the event and give an opportunity to the people to explore about the organization.

For more details visit

Asian Utility Week Team

Khairunnisa Abd-llah

Phone: +65 6590 3970