
20 March Solar Eclipse: An Unprecedented Test for Europe’s Electricity System

European transmission system operators (TSOs) have been preparing for the 20 March solar eclipse for several months. Due to the amount of solar generation involved, it was necessary to evaluate and mi...

European Commission drafts rules for smart energy

The S3P-Energy is a joint initiative of the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Energy, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The S3P-Energy is planned to become an enabling tool for re...

Regulatory Recommendations for the Deployment of Flexibility

The European Commission’s 2030 policy framework seeks to decarbonise the energy system. This framework encourages the electrification of heat and transport, as well as the connection of more int...

Residential demand response based on dynamic electricity pricing

On January 27, 2015, doctor Benjamin Dupont has publicly defended his doctoral thesis at the department of electrical engineering of the KU Leuven. His work, entitled “Residential demand respons...

World Economic Forum: Opportunities to Build Tomorrow’s Electricity Sector

This entry was posted in : Electricity world economic forum

The World Economic Forum has published a report which indicates that the diminishing financial returns for utilities have put at risk the ability of the electricity sector in OECD markets to raise the...