Join leading specialists to the tackle the latest IEC 61850 implementation challenges, including top-down design, the process bus and advanced cybersecurity. The case study led conference programme al...
Smart Grid Flexibility 2019 (London, 1-3 October) brings together leading experts for a case study driven programme addressing the strategic, commercial and technical issues surrounding the developmen...
GIS4SmartGrid 2019 (Berlin, 24-26 September) brings together utility GIS specialists for a case-study driven programme exploring the opportunities made available by the development of advanced GIS fun...
Fundamentals of the Smart Grid 2019 (London, 27-29 August) is a brand-new training programme designed to provide non-technical/non electrical engineering professionals with the foundation and context ...
The co-location of POWERGEN Asia, Asian Utility Week, DistribuTECH Asia and SolarVision provides an oppertunity with one and only show covering the whole value chain of power - from generation to tran...