The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) is organising a new edition of the Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities, to take place in Florence from June 23 – 27, 2014. This five-day Su...
The Smart Community Summit 2014 will be held in Tokyo on June 18-20, andis hosted by JSCA, one of the GSGF members, and NEDO. This annual event is one of the biggest internatio...
The Smart Electricity World Asia conference running in Manila from June 17th 2014, is the region’s most authoritative platform for high-level executives to share best practices and implement...
€550 CIRED workshops are organized every two years between CIRED main conferences. The CIRED Workshop 2014 entitled “Challenges of implementing Active Distribution System Managem...
€743 In France, Smart Grid technologies have been rapidly developing over the course of the past few years, with high stakes surrounding the roll-out of smart meters, and notably ERDF’s ...