In this webinar, the NorthSeaGrid project consortium will present the main outcome of WP 3 (Regulatory Framework and Support Schemes) of the project. After a quick overview on the different ...
Which instruments should be chosen to support renewable electricity? What are their cost implications? Could renewables support be aligned across Europe? These are some of the hot questions of the ...
Nowhere else can you get such a comprehensive, up-the-minute grasp of the market. Get a first-hand view of all the technology trends – at HANNOVER MESSE 2014! Included in the exhibi...
The Israel Smart Energy Association will host a Webinar on Wednesday March 26, 2014. This webinar will highlight the importance of consumer education and marketing to successful smart grid implementat...
March 26-28 Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Maui, Hawaii Title Sponsors: Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, Hawai’i Electric Light Co-presented by: Mayor’s Office of Economic Dev...