The Israel Smart Energy Association will host a Webinar on Wednesday March 26, 2014. This webinar will highlight the importance of consumer education and marketing to successful smart grid implementat...
March 26-28 Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Maui, Hawaii Title Sponsors: Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, Hawai’i Electric Light Co-presented by: Mayor’s Office of Economic Dev...
Building on the success of the last two InnoGrid2020+transmission and distribution research and demonstration seminars, ENTSO-E, EDSO for Smart Grids and the EU-funded GRID+ project will hold their&nb...
€150 The need for electricity transport between concentrated generation and consumption areas will further increase in future, despite or in addition to distributed generation. Especially ...
€500 Conference on innovation for secure and efficient transmission grids This international conference on innovation for secure and efficient transmission grids will take place on Marc...