
Identifying Fundamental Principles through a Case Study of Smart Grid Policy

Clean Energy Innovation Policy in Israel: Identifying Fundamental Principles through a Case Study of Smart Grid Policy This project has been conducted in cooperation between the Samuel Neaman Insti...

Road Map for Smart Grid Deployment in Israel

The Israeli Smart Energy Association (ISEA) formally released today the first comprehensive study and recommendations for a Road Map for Smart Grid Deployment in Israel. The report, carried out b...

European Energy Regulation – A Bridge to 2025

Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) – This consultation paper, issued by the Board of Regulators (BoR) and the Director of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Reg...

New state aid guidelines for energy and environment

European Commission – The European Commission has published its new guidelines for state aid rules for energy and the environment, following the consultation that closed earlier this year (pl...

Adapting distribution network tariffs to a decentralized energy future

European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) has issued a position paper highlighting the need for distribution network tariff-setting to be adapted to the increasing integration of d...