
SGCC’s (USA) 2014 State of the Consumer Report

The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative launched it’s 2014 State of the Consumer Report Summary, a detailed report that summarisesSGCC’s 2013 priority to increase industry knowledge about ho...

IBM: The Smart Energy Consumer

This paper has been written by one of SGA’s inaugural board members, Jeff Lee. It looks at the transformation that has started in the energy industry – an industry that has been engin...

EEGI + Grid+: The first mapping of European energy storage projects

The European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) has released a report, undertaken by the Grid+ project, on energy storage progress in Europe, mapping 391 national and European storage research project...

Winter Outlook Report 2014/15 and summer review 2014

ENTSO-E – ENTSO-E adopts and publishes on an annual basis the “Winter Outlook and Summer Review”. These short-term adequacy reports focus on exploring the main risks identifi...

European Commission proposes 2030 policy framework for climate and energy

On January 22, 2014, the European Commission presented a new policy framework for climate and energy for the period up to 2030. It builds further on the 2020 climate and energy framework, better known...