
ISGAN discussion paper on storage and balancing

This entry was posted in : storage balancing

Storage and balancing as key elements for future network planning and electricity markets design ISGAN recently published a report about storage and balancing. The aim of the report is to...

Ensuring security and reliability in smart meters 1

Close collaboration is key in fighting security issues Today, GSGF published a report on the cyber security issues in smart meters and the associated advance metering infrastructure. While smart me...

Asian Utility Week

This entry was posted in : Asian Utility Week

Vice chair and Executive Director attended “Asian Utility Week”, an international conference held in Bangkok. On May 31 and June 1 Mr. Makoto Watanabec (Vice chair of GSGF and...

Are Distribution Businesses at Risk of Losing Their Power

The traditional electricity distribution model is no longer fit for purpose. That is according to almost half (45 percent) of utility industry executives worldwide surveyed by Accenture. Unless the...

Smart power report from the UK

The UK energy sector is changing fundamentally. Two-thirds of our existing power stations are expected to close by 2030 as our coal, nuclear, and oldest gas fired power stations reach the end of their...