
Big data requires more electricity efficiency

In an evaluation of 40 data centers examined for operational and power optimization, Future Resource Engineering found more than 24 million kWh in energy savings, which could result in $2.2 million in...

Low Carbon,High Stakes. Do you have the powerto transform?

In the quest toward a low-carbon energy system, the electric utilities sector—with a 25 percent share of all carbon emissions globally2—plays a crucial role. How can utilities move away fr...

Accelerating the US coal phase out

Key points An unprecedented wave of coal plant retirements has yielded deeper economy-wide carbon reductions for 2015 than those laid out in the Waxman-Markey legislation Because of these reco...

Paving the Way for a Richer Mix of Residential Behavior Programs

Recent research suggests that behavior programs the California utilities currently offer use only one of many possible strategies for influencing residential energy related behaviors. This paper was c...

The smart energy revolution

Travelling around the globe at the moment and having interesting discussions with many people on topics such as smart energy and smart cities I would like to make the following observations. There ...