
Statistical Pocketbook 2014 “EU Energy in Figures”

European Commission – The energy sector is one of the pillars of growth, competitiveness and development in modern economies. To keep up with the permanent transformation of the energy sector...

New online toolkit for local support for grid projects

EDSO – The European Commission’s DG ENER has launched a best-practice online toolkit, designed to help power grid projects to be successful, particularly when it comes to getting l...

Costs for renewable distributed generation on the decrease

Global Smart Grid Federation’s world-wide overview on distributed generation – The outlook of electricity systems is changing rapidly on a global scale. Although different countries are...

Saving water with wind energy

European  Wind Energy  Association EWEA – Water is a precondition for life, an indispensable resource for the economy, and it plays a fundamental role for the climate. Each EU citiz...

Lessons Learned from the Smart Grids Projects in France Webinar

The Global Smart Grid Federation was pleased to present a webinar hosted by Smart Grids France on Tuesday June 10 at 7:00 AM EDT. France has made huge investments to explore all aspects of s...