
CEPS Special Report: Exploring a Regional Approach to EU Energy Policies

Regional approaches to EU energy policies have been termed the ‘Schengenisation’ of energy, making reference to the Schengen Convention eliminating intra-European border controls. They aim...

The G20 Summit and Energy Efficiency

The Global Smart Grid Federation welcomes the fact that the G20 Summit in Brisbane Summit was the first time that G20 leaders have had a session dedicated to global energy issues. Energy is now at the...

EPRI defines a three-phase initiative for an integrated grid

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has created a three-phase initiative for realizing the full value of central and distributed energy resources (DER). The goal of the initiative is to help ...

In need for smart grids to facilitate smart electricity markets

On February 11th, 2014, CEDEC published a report called ‘smart grids for smart markets’ in which it expresses its view on the importance of smart grids, the current barriers to their imple...

European Energy Policy Outlook

European Commission – Framework for Climate & Energy – A presentation has recently come to hand on European Energy Policy outlook by Eero Ailio, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commis...