
Navigant predicts utility blockchain spending boom

Utility spending on five blockchain-based platforms is expected to reach $3.7 billion by 2026, said Navigant Research Wednesday in promoting a report on the topic. The report analyzed the market for b...

Utility Security: Exceeding Mandates to Mitigate Risk

This entry was posted in : Cybersecurity utilities security

Security is more than just a regulatory-driven necessity for utilities; it has become a business imperative. Most utilities can no longer do business effectively or efficiently without internet of thi...

Combating Utility Fraud Rings

This entry was posted in : utilities fraud

Today’s energy markets are no longer shaped by just regulation and disintermediation, they’re now also characterized by greater end-user choice. However, in this changing landscape, new th...

Consumers want speed, security, satisfaction with utility billing

Consumer billing and bill payment behavior is linked to three factors: speed, security and satisfaction, according to Fiserv’s Eighth Annual Consumer Billing Household Survey. Consumers want ...