
REthinking Energy 2017: Accelerating the global energy transformation

The report REthinking Energy from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), examines the dramatic changes under way in the energy sector in many countries as the quest for a sustain...

APS to Use Energy Storage instead of Traditional Infrastructure on the Grid

Instead of rebuilding about 20 miles of transmission and distribution poles and wires, Arizona Public Service (APS) will  install two battery storage systems in rural Punkin Center, Ari...

What will Australia’s future electric metering landscape look like?

Wayne Pales is a specialist in AMI metering regimes. He used to run the Smart Grid Program in CLP Power Hong Kong, but now he is back in Australia and works with utilities on their metering programs a...

Department Of Energy released Grid Study

This entry was posted in : DOE Department of Energy

The US Department of Energy has released its internal study into the effects of renewable energy on the grid, including an assessment of the reliability and resilience of the electric grid and an over...

ISGAN Workshop: Building the flexible power systems

From analog to digital, from lorry to EV, from customers to prosumers On 12 September 12 a public workshop of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) took place on the premises of Thor ...