
First subsidy-free solar power plant with battery storage opened in UK

The first solar power plant in the UK to operate without any kind of government subsidy was officially opened on 26 September. The Clayhill Solar Farm constitutes a 10MW solar farm in Bedfordshire alo...

India unveils $2.5 billion plan to electrify all households by end 2018

India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched a 2.5-billion-dollar project to electrify the country’s households by the end of 2018, providing free connections to the poor and at very lo...

The French electricity and gas distribution operators create the ORE Agency to smooth the energy transition through digital technology

This entry was posted in : Market Resources France

All the French electricity and gas distribution operators are creating the ORE Agency today (Operateurs de Réseaux d’Energie, Energy Grid Operators), an association that pools digitals re...

$20 Million To Help Commercialize Promising Energy Technologies in US

This entry was posted in : DOE regulatory resources

On 13 September U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced $19.7 million in funding to help businesses move promising energy technologies from DOE’s National Laboratories to the marketpl...

Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s electricity grid

This entry was posted in : Market Resources climate change

The recent hurricanes Irma and Maria have destroyed Puerto Rico’s sole electrical grid, killing more than 90 percent of the distribution network that connects consumers to their source of power....