
Join us during European Utility Week!

This entry was posted in : European Utility Week

The Global Smart Grid Federation would like to invite you to their public seminar during European Utility Week, on Wednesday 4 October from 10h till 12h. During this seminar we will be sharing ins...

The Global Smart Grid Federation @ European Utility Week

This entry was posted in : European Utility Week EUW

At the beginning of October GSGF was present at the European Utility Week in Amsterdam. The event serves as an annual meeting point for the smart utility community, ranging from utilities, network ope...

Conclusions from the 8th Korea Smart Grid Week

Korea Smart Grid Association held the “8th Korea Smart Grid Week” and “Korea Smart Grid Expo (Energy Plus)” on September 27th(Wed.) – 29th(Fri.), 2107 at COEX in Seoul. S...

Security of electricity supply in Europe: Midterm Adequacy Forecast

ENTSO-E has released the new edition of its Midterm Adequacy Forecast: a state-of-the-art pan-European mathematical analysis of security of electricity supply up to 2020 and 2025. The document answers...

ENGIE has signed agreement for the control of Electro Power Systems, a pioneer in hybrid storage solutions

Electro Power Systems S.A. ("EPS"), technology pioneer in energy storage systems and microgrids, has announced that ENGIE has signed a share purchase agreement with its main shareholders, to...